Paranormal Facts

 Para😈normal😈 Facts

From MacBeth to the Bible, ghosts have been popular subjects of storytellers since people first started telling stories.  The idea that the departed remain with us, in spirit at least, comforts us somewhat, and provides a convenient explanation for many of life’s weirder occurrences.  In survey after survey, it becomes apparent that some 45 percent of the population believe in ghosts, spirits and paranormal activity.  Here are some fun stories and beliefs around ghosts and spirits.

1.  Spirits become more active at night, possibly due to a reduced electronic disturbance from appliances and other devices, which compete with or drown out ghostly apparitions. For this reason, you’re more likely to detect ghostly disturbances when your house is quiet.

2.  Spirits can manifest in various ways, including orbs, streaks of light, dark shadows, mists and strange blurs. Full-body apparitions are possible, but highly unlikely.

3.  Children and animals are more likely to “see” a ghost. Some children perceive ghosts as imaginary friends.

4.  If a candle flame burns blue or suddenly goes out with no apparent draft or breeze, it’s a sure sign that ghosts are present.

5.  Spirits can often be helpful, and even protective of the families they “haunt.”

6.  Albert Einstein himself may have postulated a scientific basis for the existence of ghosts. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed but only change its form, what becomes of our energy when we die?  Could it be somehow manifested as a ghost?

7.  Albert Einstein wasn’t the first. The concept of ghosts as a form of life after death goes all the way back to ancient Egypt, where people believed that death was merely a transition from one form of existence to another.

8.  The White House is haunted by a number of ghosts, including that of Abigail Adams, who has reportedly been seen hurrying toward the East Room, where she used to hang her laundry.

9.  During Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, the incoming first lady ordered the gardeners to dig up Dolley Madison’s prized Rose Garden. It’s said that Dolley’s spirit turned up and put such a fear of ghosts into the workmen that they fled without turning a single spade. The garden has continued to bloom for nearly two centuries.

10.  Psychics believe that President Abraham Lincoln has never left the White House. For more than 70 years, presidents, first ladies, guests and members of the White House staff have claimed to have either seen Lincoln or felt his presence.  Lincoln’s ghost was particularly prevalent during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, as the country struggled through a devastating depression followed by a world war. 

 The Netherlands’ Queen Wilhelmina was a guest at the White House during that period, and was awakened one night by a knock on her bedroom door.  Upon opening the door, she saw the figure of Lincoln, top hat and all, standing in the hallway.  The queen fainted, and upon recovering consciousness, she found herself lying on the floor.  The apparition had vanished.
